
Paola Pietrandrea LLL-Tours Coordination of the project

Elaboration of the annotation scheme

Coordination of the annotation of the Italian corpus

Data selection

Annotation of the Italian, French and English corpus

Definition of the formats


Valerio Cervoni LLL-Tours Coordination of the annotation of the French corpus
Faniry Razafimahefa LLL-Tours Annotation of the French corpus
Sangwan Jeon LLL-Tours Annotation of the French corpus
Iris Eshkol LLL-Orléans Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the French corpus
Definition of the formats
Emmanuel Schang LLL-Orléans Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the French corpus
Lotfi Abouda LLL-Orléans Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the French corpus
François Némo LLL-Orléans Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Marie Skrovec LLL-Orléans Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the French corpus
Olivier Baude LLL-Orléans Data selection
Jean-Yves Antoine LI-Tours Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the French corpus
Anais Lefeuvre LI-Tours Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the French corpus
Ilse Depraetere STL-Lille 3 Coordination of the annotation of the English Corpus

Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection

Marion Nicolas STL-Lille 3 Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Annotation of the English Corpus
Malvina Nissim University of Groningen – Pays Bas Coordination of the IA Agreement tests

Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Definition of the formats

Lennart Kloppenburg University of Groningen – Pays Bas IA Agreement tests
Elisa Ghia Università per stranieri di Siena Coordination of the annotation of the English corpus

Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Data selection
Annotation of the Italian corpus

Caterina Mauri Università di Bologna – Italie Elaboration of the annotation scheme
Annotation of the Italian corpus
Bernard Victorri Laboratoire Lattice CNRS Development of the Analec Tool

Definition of the forma

Andrea Sanso’ Università dell’Insubria – Italie Elaboration of the annotation scheme